
n과 소수 p가 매우 클 때 wilson's theorem와 fermat's little theorem을 이용한 n! mod p 구하기

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilson%27s_theorem Wilson's theorem - Wikipedia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Theorem on prime numbers In algebra and number theory, Wilson's theorem states that a natural number n > 1 is a prime number if and only if the product of all the positive integers less than n is one less than a multip en.wikipedia.org https://namu.wiki/w/%EC%9C%8C%EC%8A%A8%EC%9D%9..

2023. 8. 4. 01:37

n이 매우 큰데 p가 매우 작은 경우에 효과적으로 n! mod p을 계산하는 방법

Factorial modulo p - Algorithms for Competitive Programming (cp-algorithms.com) Factorial modulo p - Algorithms for Competitive Programming Factorial modulo $p$ In some cases it is necessary to consider complex formulas modulo some prime $p$, containing factorials in both numerator and denominator, like such that you encounter in the formula for Binomial coefficients. We consider the case when c..